
By: / From: Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance/ Date:1017,2018/ View:5Set up the

汉语口语入门课程是对外汉语教学初级阶段的一门综合性、基础性课程,以培养学生口语交际能力为主,要求学生熟练运用最常用的词汇、句型和日常生活、学习等相关的交际用语。 汉语精读入门课的教学目标是让学生通过一学期68个学时的教学,让学生掌握汉语的声母、韵母、音节、声调、轻声、儿化及变调、语调等主要的发音技能,并能辨识一定数量的常用汉字;掌握汉语的基本语法,在理解语法的基础上熟练运用句子或语段,具备初步的会话能力。

Speaking is a basic course and important part of foreign Chinese teaching. The main task of this course is to develop students’ oral communication ability. Students are required to master common words, sentence structures and conversation related to daily life and studying. This course provides students with tips on pronouncing the initials, finals, syllables, tones, accentual words, retroflex final and tones changes. After successful completion of this course students will be able to read common words and understand the basic grammar.
